Sunday, May 24, 2020
We are pleased to be able to offer a very special optional tour on Sunday, May 24, 2020 to participants of both Turkey tours, knowing that some of you on the first tour plan on staying on for a few days after it ends and that some on the second will be arriving a few days early.
We would leave our hotel at 1:00 pm to visit the Chora Museum, with its fascinating mosaics (that rival those in Ravenna) and the Sadberk Museum, a private collection of artifacts going back to Turkey’s neolithic past. We are told that no one should come to Istanbul and miss these two sites. We will then step aboard an elegant boat to cruise the Bosphorus—beautiful, enchanting, rich in myths, legends, and poetry, whose shores are adorned with impressive mansions and palaces. Wine will be served. The day will end with a memorable dinner at a waterfront restaurant.
The fee is $160. Space is limited. Please register with Toni D’Anca as soon as possible by sending an email to her at tdanca@mac.com. You can mail a check or pay by credit card. A minimum of 15 people is required.